Then, he teleports behind them and attacks them with a kick followed by a large blue energy wave.

He used this attack during his battle against Dabura. Burst Rush – Gohan kicks the opponent up into the air and flies up and attacks with a barrage of punches before sending them flying upward.This is one of Adult Gohan's Super Attacks in his Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 forms in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast. He then flies after the opponent and knocks them into the ground, where he finally blasts them with a Super Kamehameha. I'm Here to Kill You – Gohan kicks the opponent in the stomach, followed by a 360-spin kick to the head, ending with a left hook to the back of the head, knocking the opponent to the ground.It was named and seen in the Budokai Tenkaichi seriesas Ultimate Gohan's Ultimate Blast. He used this attack during his battle with Super Buu. Hidden Potential – Gohan charges an energy sphere around his body and fires a large energy wave while flying towards the opponent.Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.Justice Punch – A punch Gohan uses as Great Saiyaman.This attack was named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 as one of Ultimate Gohan's Super Attacks. He used this attack to destroy a large boulder he was thrown at by Piccolo. The cosmos would just feel off if there isn't a Saiyan-themed adventure on the horizon, and 2022 is well on its way to pleasing the anime gods with the announcement of Dragon Ball: The Breakers for the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.Masenko – Gohan's first and most used attack.This is one of his ultimate attacks in his kid form in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit and in the Raging Blastseries. While the West needed around another decade to truly catch Goku fever, nowadays, a year can barely pass without a Saiyan-themed fighting game or RPG hitting shelves.With so many projects associated with the series, what exactly are the best Dragon Ball games? Updated Januby Mark Sammut: It is written in the stars that every year must bring forth a new Dragon Ball game (or port). Similar to most of Dragon Ball's earliest titles, the shoot'em up – yes, shoot'em up – never made it out of Japan. RELATED: Dragon Ball: The Villains Who Had The Best Introductions, RankedIn 1986, Epoch published Dragon Ball: Dragon DaihikyÅ for the Super Cassette Vision, marking the iconic series' first foray into gaming. Admittedly, this is less about being spoiled for choice and more a case of there just being a ton of mediocre Dragon Ballgames that barely try to stick out from the crowd. With there being well over 9000 video games based on Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ballmanga and subsequent anime, narrowing down the list to the best titles of all time is far from an easy feat.